VoiceMaker.in is AI-based Online Text to Speech Converter website. We have 600+ standard  & natural-sounding AI voices in 70 languages worldwide. You can use our voices for your videos, which you can place on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, or personal websites. We use artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning (ML) which enables us to push the limit and creates a very human-like Text to Speech with a customizable audio style, voice speed, pitch, volume, pause, adding emphasis, audio format, and audio profile settings.


  1. Install the App from the AppStore

  2. Enter your API Key, you can get your api key from https://voicemaker.in

  3. In your flow builder, select the Action step and select the "VoiceMaker" action under "Integration" block

  4. Select the action "Convert Text to Audio"

  5. Enter the Text and Voice Id, you can find the voice id from https://developer.voicemaker.in/apidocs

  6. Assign the custom fields (Audio Url) in Response Mapping

  7. Run the flow



[email protected]


Application reviewed by UChat

Before publishing app, UChat Review Team makes sure that:
  1. The app can be installed via installation link
  2. The app doesn't capture unnecessary data
  3. All app actions are accessible inside flow builder
  4. App actions work in accordance with their title and description
  5. App settings capture enough information to make the app work
  6. All external sources that impact the app's actions performance are configured properly

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